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Win every single item on our travel list!
Win every single item on our travel list!
We empower women through solo travel.
I'm back with my second ever newsletter here at The Solo Female Traveler Network. Firstly, it was soo nice to hear from a bunch of you that you enjoyed the inaugural edition. Thanks also for your suggestions on how we can make this newsletter more insightful. I always love hearing from you!
Off The Beaten Path: Total Solar Eclipse
Like many of you, I had to cancel several trips last year, one of them being a trip to Chile, which was in the path of the total solar eclipse that happened in mid-December. I've heard these astronomical events where the moon totally blots out the sun are incredibly surreal and after your first, you'll continue hunting eclipses for more of that experience. While, I'm bummed I wasn't sitting in a pool in the backyard of a little cabin Airbnb last month, I've got another chance to catch a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. The path of totality runs in a diagonal from Mexico, across the United States, into the maritime provinces of Canada. It's never too early to start planning for this mystical trip!
Travel Better: Hostels
Remember hostels aren’t four-star hotels...although if you're staying somewhere as gross as this photo, you probably need to pick up some travel planning skills. There’s surely going to be some inconveniences, but they’re the cheapest way to travel and you usually meet some cool travel companions. So just go with the flow, but also, if you're staying in a hostel, make sure to pack these things:
Flip flops - Or slides, just something to throw on your feet to walk around the facility, especially the bathrooms. Make sure to keep them clean! You don't want to be the one creating dirty footprints on the shower floor.
3 oz travel containers - Not only are you clear to get through airport security without unpacking everything in your traveler backpack, but for me, bringing my own shampoo and conditioner is a must. The cheap products they keep in hostels just don't work on my fine, tangle-y hair.
A lock - Some hostels allow you to rent locks for storing your personal items, but I'm sure you've got one lying around your house, so just stick that in your suitcase real quick. While, I've never gotten anything stolen from a hostel, locking up my bags allows me to breath easy during my adventures out to see the sights.
Find all of this stuff plus more in 10 Travel Essentials Under $10
Discounts and Free Stuff
Whoever books the next spot on any of our Meetup Tours (I am partial to Morocco and Colombia, because I will be on at least those two this year), gets sent one of everything on our 10 Travel Essentials for under $10 list.
Win every single product on our essentials list sent straight to your door by booking your Meetup Tour now! We all know you were going to join us anyway, may as well get some free stuff for it!
The Modern Break-Up
"I mean, no one knows what the f*ck is going on."
Of everything Amelia, the lusty heroine of the online dating era, says this quote has to be the most spot on for both dating and our pandemic/QAnon shaman breaking into the capitol world. The Modern Breakup by Daniel Chidiac is a novel full of truths about dating, separations and love: direct, raw and damn revealing.
I'm into this book, because it is not about being saved by a white knight or some silly guide to manifesting your dream partner. It's an all too common modern dating breakup tale...except it provides answers that our broken hearts are desperate for and a lot of BFF vibes. You don't have to take my word for it. Just check out the literally thousands of 5 star reviews on Amazon!
Travel Virtually
As promised in last week’s newsletter, I’ve written a short article outlining the basics of using Google Street View. This is an amazing application that allows you to tour the world from the comfort of your own home. Last summer, during the first lockdown, I toured nearly 30 countries using Google Street View and spoke to people from each one about what makes their country great; check out the videos here. And if you don’t believe me that virtual travel is actually pretty surreal, the photo above is a screenshot I captured during my tour!
Traveling From Home: The Basics of Google Street View
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