Tour Promo: Jordan


Most travelers only touch the surface of everything you can experience in Jordan. But when you travel with us, you will see Jordan in a way you didn’t even know was possible…

Dance the afternoon away at an NGO…

As an all women group, we are a favorite vistor for this female run non-profit. When we come, they shut the doors, turn up the music, and hijabs come off for a mini party over pottery. Then we sit down for a homecooked Bedouin meal together and learn about each other’s lives. No photos allowed of course!

Learn to cook at grandma’s house…

You will get invited to a family kitchen to learn recipes that have been in this family for generations. This Meetup Tour is full of delicious local food, and here we experience each component from the spices to the special way they prepare breads and why their salads are so delicious. Before the evening is over, enjoy your efforts with a feast!

See Petra from above with a female goat herder…

We are off for a hike above Petra for sweeping views that few people get to see. We’ll stop for a rest, a home made lunch, and a chat at a Bedouin family home. For the last stretch of our hike we’ll a female goat herder and her flock to the Old City where we will have the rest of the day to explore!

Jump on a 4×4 and sleep under the stars…

With locals as our guide, we’ll hop on the back of a Jeep and explore the desert gliding over dunes and stopping for photos and coffee around a fire. Watch the sun set from your bubble tent before joining the group for a very special locally prepared dinner cooked for days underground!

“There are so many moments I will cherish forever. I absolutely loved having lunch with the Bedouin Family in Petra and overlooking the mountain views. It may have been the hardest hike I have been on but it was the most rewarding. The night sky in Wadi Rum was gorgeous and I will always reminisce when I look at the moon. Relaxing in the dead sea was phenomenal and just what I didn't know I needed!”

Erika M.