Support for Ukraine from our community

Support for Ukraine from our community


Support for Ukraine

Weโ€™ve all seen those Airbnb threads going around encouraging people to support Ukrainians by booking an Airbnb, paying for it, and not staying there. While the gesture is sweet, and I am sure those people need help, millions of dollars have been sent and that money doesnโ€™t make it to the people who need it most. I have been in contact with a friend of a friend (who I have spent a lot of time with and totally trust) who is hiding in a bunker in Kyiv with other women and many children and their pets. She sent me a list of things they need and explained how they get products delivered to them. See the posts in the FB group and page, as well as IG for more details.

We raised over $1,000 in an hour.

Our goal for Natalia was $700. Tomorrow I am going to post about Lena, a breast cancer patient who is currently fleeing to Poland. She needs treatment and basic necessities. Hopefully we will see a similar interest in helping. ๐Ÿ’• I am so proud of our community and how they rallied to help. ๐Ÿ’•

๐Ÿ’œ Amanda

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