Mindset & Mongolia

3 Ways to [NOT] be a BuzzkillšŸ 
(and why youā€™re going to want to join us in Mongolia)

Have you ever taken a trip with a debby-downer?

Everything was going amazing ā€” but there was this one person who complained about the food, the service, the dirt, the view, the expectationsā€¦

and eventually, it just killed the vibe.

mindset actually has a HUGE impact on the overall experience you have in life ā€“ but especially when traveling

Hi! šŸ‘‹ Itā€™s me, Amanda ā€” founder of the SoFe Traveler Network.

After hosting over 250+ tours across 14 countries & cultures ā€” each with their own unique way of seeing and interacting with the rest of the planet ā€” Iā€™ve learned a thing or two about mindset.

šŸ‘‡ I wrote about them below ā€” and youā€™re going to want to take 2 minutes out of your day to check it out. Because these 3 things can make or break your traveling experienceā€¦.

(ā€”theyā€™re not what you think!)

You know what else will give you a total mindset makeover?

ā€¦our Golden-Eagle Festival trip to Mongolia this fall.

If youā€™re looking to immerse yourself in an experience and culture who quite honestly doesnā€™t give a f*ck about making western tourists comfortableā€¦ this trip is for you.

(Donā€™t worryā€” youā€™ll still get a comfy bed ā€¦)

This is the type of trip where your mindset will quite literally determine your experience. Itā€™s the difference betweenā€¦

  • ā€œOMG thereā€™s no wifiā€ to šŸ‘‰ wow I am SO connected to the present

  • ā€œI wish we could Uberā€ to šŸ‘‰ I am walking the same steps taken by Mongolian nomads 1000ā€™s of years agoā€¦

  • ā€œWhereā€™s my room serviceā€ to šŸ‘‰ Iā€™m sleeping under a galaxy of stars šŸ˜ 

  • ā€œWhy is there so much dirtā€ to šŸ‘‰ there is literally no concrete anywhere

If youā€™ve been dreaming of ā€¦
bareback horses, sipping airag right from a wooden ladle, the soaring wings of golden eagles ā€” and sleeping under unadulterated stars in the mountains of Mongoliaā€¦

Youā€™re going to want to click this button šŸ‘‡

Mongolia isnā€™t for the faint of heart 

ā€” but most worthwhile things arenā€™t. Join us and youā€™llā€¦

  • Witness the ancient hunting tradition of the Kazakh people ā€” dating back over a thousand years

  • Sleep in a luxury ger in the Western Mountains of Mongolia

  • Explore where modernity meets ancient civilization in Ulaanbaatar ā€”one of the strangest cities in the world

  • Learn about Genghis Khan and explore monuments left in his honor

  • Explore the unforgettable Terelj National Park 

(because weā€™ve got only 4 spots left!)

October 2-10, 2024
*$500 down to save your spot

This tour is quite literally a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Join us ā€” we dare you!

See you in Mongolia,
The SoFe Travel Family