Aug 31 weekly email - voluntourism

Thinking about volunteering abroad? Read this.

Volunteering abroad is every traveler's dream - getting to know the local culture, cheap travels, and helping out to boot. Things are not always what they seem though, especially when you are booking everything from home. Read more about the harms of voluntourism and how you can do it and actually create positive change for both your travels and locals you meet.

Solo travel is a skill. While knowing how to score a good flight, stay safe, and work your way around a country are all important, your state of mind matters even more in fulfilling your travel dreams. Here are some tips on how to maximize your solo travels that go beyond logistics.

Our Facebook community is over 420k members strong, and that means we get to read so many stories from around the world, our questions get answered fast, and we have the opportunity to connect some of the most amazing women on the planet. It also creates a playground for nasty online trolls. So, let’s talk about what that is, what it means, what happens if you troll our group, and….wait for it…if you are a troll yourself and don’t even know it.

Think new travel loving friends, s’mores around a camp fire, and that familiar traveler’s feeling of freedom.