April/May trip promo

Bookings are closing on these adventures.


We have a handful of incredible Meetup Tours that are guaranteed for departure just around the corner. You could be sipping Pisco sours in Peru with your new BFFs, canoeing through the Amazon in Ecuador, or riding a camel through the Sahara Desert in Morocco. All with a group of fellow solo female travelers, your future friends.If you’re wondering if you should go, we have one question: why wait?Let’s go together.

Peru: April 7, 2022

Travel Peru on planes, trains, automobiles, and even boats, experiencing the foodie scene of Cusco and going deep into ancient culture of Uros Floating Islands. Of course, stop for that Insta-worthy shot at Machu Picchu and explore other mystical sites you may not have known existed.

Ecuador: April 16, 2022

Ecuador may be small compared to its neighbors, but it offers the best of the best of South America: sun-kissed beaches, deep indigenous history, friendly locals, and incredibly complex bio-diversity. This tour is way off the beaten path including staying deep in the Amazon with a local, friendly trip who will show us their way of life.

Galapagos: April 26, 2022

Between the blue footed boobies flying overhead, beaches home to sea lions, and incredibly diverse landscapes, you will feel like you have been transported to another planet. We will visit up to 7 islands, snorkeling along the way to islands inhabited only with nature. Our naturalist guide will show us ‘secret’ spots with the best views of wildlife.

Morocco: May 9, 2022

Trail past the beautiful Kasbahs and gorges as we retrace the steps of the old camel caravans and enjoy the simple but magic of starlight desert nights at an oasis in the heart of the sand dunes. Between activities, we’ll sleep in boutique riads and be welcomed in the homes of Berber families.

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