17 Place for first time travel

17 Best Destinations For Solo Female Travelers 

Did you know Utah has its very own version of the Grand Canyon? Nicknamed the “Little Grand Canyon,” it is the deepest part of the San Rafael River canyon located directly beneath the Wedge Overlook (Overlook) in the San Rafael Swell (Swell). Looking down river from the Overlook, you can see where Buckhorn Draw—a narrow, winding canyon walled in by scenic sandstone cliffs—meets the San Rafael River canyon.

Hey! 👋 It’s Amanda, founder of The Solo Female Traveler Network
I was skimming through the SoFe Facebook group yesterday and found this post…

I’m sitting here crying my eyes out. I have wanted to go to Italy and Greece all my life. I just found the best price flights leaving in 3 weeks for a 5 week holiday. And I’m just so scared to book it!! It’s either go and have an amazing time or go get a job. I really need some inspiration to click the “book it” button.

👆My heart lurched and I knew I needed to write about it – so here goes.

None of us are born fearless.

Even the women who seem to have it all figured out... who charge into life head first with confidence, charisma and courage…

They weren’t born that way.

The truth is… courage is created each time you face your fears and come out the other side.

My first solo trip to Honduras, I remember being quite literally f*cking terrified.

… and then I spent ten years traveling the world on my own.

Honduras, 2014

And yes – things like ‘how much money is in your emergency fund’ and the support (or lack of) from friends and family — play a major role in how ‘scary’ traveling solo feels… 

But whether you’ve got a hundred extra bucks or $100,000…

Whether the voices around you are saying “are you insane, you’ll get kidnapped!” or – “get it girl, travel the world!”....

And whether you’re terrified (or exhilarated)... 

– stepping out of fear and into a whole new world of independence, isn’t just about you.

It’s about all of us.

Because our grandmothers couldn’t travel the world whenever they wanted.

And TBH, our mothers couldn’t either.

We are the FIRST generation of women who are able to step out of our comfort zones and into a world of color, culture, experiences and going where we want to, when we want to, because we can.

So when others ask you why

It’s because thousands of women before us, couldn’t

Solo travel isn’t about ‘taking a trip’ – it’s about changing the future of women now and forever.

Teaching others – and ourselves – that we really can do anything. 🥹


Okay, so now that you’ve read my little Ted Talk – I have some practical, tangible stuff for you to carry forward. 

👉 If you have NEVER traveled solo before but really, really want to…

You don’t need to take a 12 hour flight to a country that doesn’t speak your language and is famous for being slightly dangerous. In fact, that’s probably the opposite of what you should do. After chatting with our community of 500K+ members…

Here are the top places to visit for First Time Solo Travelers:


  • Amsterdam, Netherlands stunning waterways, history, culture

  • Vienna, Austria castles, wine, museums, history

  • Copenhagen, Denmark happiness, islands, hygge, cafes, islands

  • Prague, Czech Republic stepping back in time, castles, spirals, ‘the heart of Europe’

  • Zurich, Switzerland fly here, explore the city and then visit Bohemia National Park!

  • Berlin, Germany parties, raves, art, museums, open-air art galleries

  • Paris, France simply iconic, cafes, history, culture, easy access to other cities

The nice part about this region is you can lump several locations into a couple of weeks of travel – which helps you stay more budget friendly AND see more stuff.

If you’re interested in a December trip, check out our Christmas Market Tour across Eastern Europe.

💃🏻Latin America

these countries are primarily Spanish-speaking – but you can usually still find English speaking tours and activities

  • Guadalajara, Mexico  architecture, culture, food, artisan crafts, 

  • Oaxaca, Mexico  foodie paradise, stunning landscapes, cute mountain town

  • Tamarindo, Costa Rica  surfing, beachy, friendly expats, home of leatherback turtles!

  • Panama City, Panama  tropical rainforests, history, archeology, epic diving!

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina  architecture, creativity, energetic nightlife, parks

We’re doing a Mexico trip this October for the Day of the Dead (Mexico’s most enchanting festival) which runs through Guadalajara before making our way over to Magical Sayulita. If you're thinking about heading down here, check it out!

🚂North America

  • Vancouver, Canada visit Whistler, Tofino or take a train to Banff! Mountains, forests, lakes
    Toronto, Canada multicultural, art scene, nightlife, beautiful parks, Niagara is nearby!
    NYC, USA Iconic, busy, a must-see, easy to get around, tons of nightlife
    San Diego, USA sunny, sandy, hippie, beautiful beaches, it’s a classic ‘Cali’ experience

  • Nashville, USA  country music capital of the world, cowboys, rodeo, festivals

PS – I actually live in San Diego right now – so if you make your way out to the west coast, say hello and let’s grab a coffee!

Stay Tuned…

Okay, there are a ton of other places that are great for first-timers across Asia, Africa, the Middle East and more – but I’ll save those for another day.

Don’t forget… 

On the other side of fear is the life of your dreams. 

You don’t have to quit your job and backpack across Asia…You can just take one step towards traveling the world on your own.

You’ve got this. 💖

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Founder of SoFe 💖